
Posted by zigel (from 'nvx') On September 09, 2016
Everything we know, everything we live in is a bright bubble - in dusky emptiness - we try not to think about without serious enough reason. Sometimes, though, you suddenly want to. Especially, when we feel that something out there is changing too fast. Then we happen to move towards an edge of our magnificent bubble, which we've got used to and beloved... This self-remix is an intent to leave the bubble of our reality for a bit. Once something unknown to us before gains some sort of structure in our imagination - it becomes a part of our bubble....
Posted by zigel (from 'nvx') On September 09, 2016
Our Blots >>> Sound Only >>> For Collabs     Here are collected a fragments of backgrounds which we suggest for co-operation. Also each one who wants can use them in their own purposes or even as a soundtrack for some video, interactive artworks, websites or anything other. We release these track under Creative Commons BY-SA License which even allows commertial use of derivative artworks. Of course, we ask to...
Posted by zigel (from 'nvx') On September 09, 2016
Our Blots >>> Sound Only >>> Zero Point It was a really experimental music. We wanted to know what everything consists of and we tried. Everything came as if by itself. Each time we've coming from other side and came to the same place again. And now we have it passed, as zero point. When you come in one side from it, all around becomes crystals. And if you come in other side, you feel like you're in river... https://www.jamendo.com/album/108257/zero-point-our-pre-2005-experiments Thanks...