
Posted by zigel (from 'nvx') On December 23, 2013
 "Audacity" is the fabulous application - it's very good and absolutely legaly free open-source.
Here's where you can download it: http://audacityteam.org/download/

Firstly, you're gonna need to select a piece of pure noise, open Effect > Noise Reduction and click Get Noise Profile button, so computer knew what to filter out.

Next step: Edit > Select > All or the hotkey Ctrl + A (or (CMND + A on Mac) and apply reduction via Effect > Noise Reduction > Ok or Ctrl + R.

Finally, in Multi-Tool Mode (F6) you can very easily adjust gain.

At Audacity's wiki you can find more detailed article with other techniques of noise reduction, such as Notch Filter and Noise Gate : http://wiki.audacityteam.org/wiki/Noise_Reduction

 Noise reduction Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noise_reduction


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